ASSERT(!cell_is_solid(ctarget)) in '' at line 787 failed. Version: Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup 0.33-a0-505-g151a97f16f Platform: unix Bits: 64 Game mode: normal Tiles: online Seed: 11971168725661544572, deterministic pregen: 1 Version history: Game started: 0.33-a0-502-g2f7cafc865 0.33-a0-505-g151a97f16f Command line: /usr/games/crawl-git-151a97f16f -name 1toinfinity -rc /dgldir/rcfiles/crawl-git/1toinfinity.rc -macro /dgldir/rcfiles/crawl-git/1toinfinity.macro -morgue /dgldir/morgue/1toinfinity/ -webtiles-socket /crawl-master/webserver/sockets/1toinfinity:2024-11-30.15:40:33.sock -await-connection RC options: restart_after_game = false Crash caused by signal #6: Aborted Obtained 23 stack frames. /usr/games/crawl-git-151a97f16f(_Z17write_stack_traceP8_IO_FILE+0x3f) [0x56280c8bb61f]: write_stack_trace(_IO_FILE*) /usr/games/crawl-git-151a97f16f(_Z13do_crash_dumpv+0x418) [0x56280c8c5ab8]: do_crash_dump() /usr/games/crawl-git-151a97f16f(_Z20crash_signal_handleri+0x1fa) [0x56280c8bbaaa]: crash_signal_handler(int) /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f62ef956210]: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f62efb1724b]: /usr/games/crawl-git-151a97f16f(+0x4c41fd) [0x56280c8c51fd]: /usr/games/crawl-git-151a97f16f(+0x4c43b5) [0x56280c8c53b5]: /usr/games/crawl-git-151a97f16f(_Z11place_cloud10cloud_typeRK9coord_defiPK5actoriib+0x58d) [0x56280c89c63d]: place_cloud(cloud_type, coord_def const&, int, actor const*, int, int, bool) /usr/games/crawl-git-151a97f16f(_ZN12melee_attack25mons_apply_attack_flavourEv+0x82c) [0x56280cbe6b3c]: melee_attack::mons_apply_attack_flavour() /usr/games/crawl-git-151a97f16f(_ZN12melee_attack19mons_attack_effectsEv+0x59) [0x56280cbe8f29]: melee_attack::mons_attack_effects() /usr/games/crawl-git-151a97f16f(_ZN6attack20handle_phase_damagedEv+0xac) [0x56280c85779c]: attack::handle_phase_damaged() /usr/games/crawl-git-151a97f16f(_ZN12melee_attack20handle_phase_damagedEv+0x2a) [0x56280cbe563a]: melee_attack::handle_phase_damaged() /usr/games/crawl-git-151a97f16f(_ZN12melee_attack16handle_phase_hitEv+0xd5) [0x56280cbea5a5]: melee_attack::handle_phase_hit() /usr/games/crawl-git-151a97f16f(_ZN12melee_attack6attackEv+0x27e) [0x56280cbec10e]: melee_attack::attack() /usr/games/crawl-git-151a97f16f(_Z11fight_meleeP5actorS0_Pbb+0x219) [0x56280c9aca69]: fight_melee(actor*, actor*, bool*, bool) /usr/games/crawl-git-151a97f16f(_Z19handle_monster_moveP7monster+0x2c2a) [0x56280cc1f75a]: handle_monster_move(monster*) /usr/games/crawl-git-151a97f16f(_Z15handle_monstersb+0xa75) [0x56280cc203c5]: handle_monsters(bool) /usr/games/crawl-git-151a97f16f(_Z12world_reactsv+0x13d) [0x56280cfdcf7d]: world_reacts() /usr/games/crawl-git-151a97f16f(+0xbdd4b4) [0x56280cfde4b4]: /usr/games/crawl-git-151a97f16f(+0xbde375) [0x56280cfdf375]: /usr/games/crawl-git-151a97f16f(main+0x1ab) [0x56280c801b5b]: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f62ef9370b3]: /usr/games/crawl-git-151a97f16f(_start+0x2e) [0x56280c80272e]: Trying to run gdb. GNU gdb (Ubuntu 9.1-0ubuntu1) 9.1 Copyright (C) 2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Type "show copying" and "show warranty" for details. This GDB was configured as "x86_64-linux-gnu". Type "show configuration" for configuration details. For bug reporting instructions, please see: . Find the GDB manual and other documentation resources online at: . For help, type "help". Type "apropos word" to search for commands related to "word". [Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled] Using host libthread_db library "/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/". 0x00007f62ef9f5c2a in __GI___wait4 (pid=2867440, stat_loc=stat_loc@entry=0x0, options=options@entry=0, usage=usage@entry=0x0) at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/wait4.c:27 #0 0x00007f62ef9f5c2a in __GI___wait4 (pid=2867440, stat_loc=stat_loc@entry=0x0, options=options@entry=0, usage=usage@entry=0x0) at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/wait4.c:27 resultvar = 18446744073709551104 sc_ret = #1 0x00007f62ef9f5beb in __GI___waitpid (pid=, stat_loc=stat_loc@entry=0x0, options=options@entry=0) at waitpid.c:38 No locals. #2 0x000056280c8bb485 in call_gdb (file=file@entry=0x7f62efafc5c0 <_IO_2_1_stderr_>) at gdb = attach_cmd = "attach 2865870\000\000\000\000\000" #3 0x000056280c8c5ad6 in do_crash_dump () at t = 1732982141 dir = "/dgldir/morgue/1toinfinity/" name = "/dgldir/morgue/1toinfinity/crash-1toinfinity-20241130-155541.txt", '\000' signal_info = "Crash caused by signal #6: Aborted" cause_msg = "ASSERT(!cell_is_solid(ctarget)) in '' at line 787 failed." file = 0x7f62efafc5c0 <_IO_2_1_stderr_> #4 0x000056280c8bbaaa in crash_signal_handler (sig_num=6) at No locals. #5 No locals. #6 raise (sig=) at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/raise.c:50 set = {__val = {0, 94730016731494, 140722504620896, 94730016731824, 787, 94730022530584, 0, 140062904029219, 206158430240, 140722504620848, 140722504620656, 3621258115671688192, 94730020323664, 140062907145257, 94730020323648, 140722504620896}} pid = tid = ret = #7 0x000056280c8c51fd in _BreakStrToDebugger (mesg=mesg@entry=0x7ffc82e65b60 "ASSERT(!cell_is_solid(ctarget)) in '' at line 787 failed.", assert=true) at No locals. #8 0x000056280c8c53b5 in AssertFailed (expr=expr@entry=0x56280cff32b0 "!cell_is_solid(ctarget)", file=file@entry=0x56280cff3166 "", line=line@entry=787, text=text@entry=0x0) at mesg = "ASSERT(!cell_is_solid(ctarget)) in '' at line 787 failed.", '\000' , "\b\000\000\000(V\000\000\060[\346\202\374\177\000\000\340\354\346\357b\177\000\000\000\204\234\350\021KA2\000\000\377\377\000\b\000\000Ĉ\354\357b\177\000\000\354\\\346\202\374\177\000\000\331Q\232\357b\177\000\000\060\v\026\017(V\000\000<\307\000\r(V\000\000\240a\346\202\374\177\000\000\300a\346\202\374\177\000\000-\307\000\r(V\000\000\240d\346\202\374\177\000\000\r\000\000\000\000\000\000\000f"... args = {{gp_offset = 0, fp_offset = 0, overflow_arg_area = 0x0, reg_save_area = 0x0}} fileName = #9 0x000056280c89c63d in place_cloud (cl_type=cl_type@entry=CLOUD_POISON, ctarget=..., cl_range=cl_range@entry=5, agent=0x56280d57b300 , spread_rate=spread_rate@entry=-1, excl_rad=excl_rad@entry=-1, do_conducts=true) at mons = 0x56280d57ae08 conducts = {{conduct = 2196137168, pgain = 32764, known = 48, victim = std::unique_ptr = {get() = 0x56280f12ef80}, did_sanctuary = 5}, {conduct = DID_ATTACK_NEUTRAL, pgain = 0, known = 112, victim = std::unique_ptr = {get() = 0x0}, did_sanctuary = false}, {conduct = DID_NOTHING, pgain = 0, known = false, victim = std::unique_ptr = {get() = 0x0}, did_sanctuary = false}} whose = killer = source = cloud = old = #10 0x000056280cbe6b3c in melee_attack::mons_apply_attack_flavour (this=0x7ffc82e66a80) at actor.h:76 dur = 5 flavour = base_damage = 0 #11 0x000056280cbe8f29 in melee_attack::mons_attack_effects (this=0x7ffc82e66a80) at att_bound = def_bound = #12 0x000056280c85779c in attack::handle_phase_damaged (this=this@entry=0x7ffc82e66a80) at No locals. #13 0x000056280cbe563a in melee_attack::handle_phase_damaged (this=0x7ffc82e66a80) at No locals. #14 0x000056280cbea5a5 in melee_attack::handle_phase_hit (this=0x7ffc82e66a80) at hit_woke_orc = false stop_hit = #15 0x000056280cbec10e in melee_attack::attack (this=this@entry=0x7ffc82e66a80) at cont = saved_gyre_name = "" _gensym_uw_1274 = {cleaner = {> = {}, = {static _M_max_size = 16, static _M_max_align = 8, _M_functor = {_M_unused = {_M_object = 0x7ffc82e668b0, _M_const_object = 0x7ffc82e668b0, _M_function_pointer = 0x7ffc82e668b0, _M_member_pointer = (void (std::_Undefined_class::*)(std::_Undefined_class * const)) 0x7ffc82e668b0, this adjustment 140722504624768}, _M_pod_data = "\260h\346\202\374\177\000\000\200j\346\202\374\177\000"}, _M_manager = 0x56280cbddee0 >::_M_manager(std::_Any_data &, const std::_Any_data &, std::_Manager_operation)>}, _M_invoker = 0x56280cbde140 >::_M_invoke(const std::_Any_data &)>}} ev = shield_blocked = conducts = {{conduct = NUM_CONDUCTS, pgain = 0, known = true, victim = std::unique_ptr = {get() = 0x0}, did_sanctuary = false}, {conduct = NUM_CONDUCTS, pgain = 0, known = true, victim = std::unique_ptr = {get() = 0x0}, did_sanctuary = false}, {conduct = NUM_CONDUCTS, pgain = 0, known = true, victim = std::unique_ptr = {get() = 0x0}, did_sanctuary = false}} #16 0x000056280c9aca69 in fight_melee (attacker=attacker@entry=0x56280d57b300 , defender=, defender@entry=0x56280d57ae08 , did_hit=did_hit@entry=0x0, simu=simu@entry=false) at melee_attk = { = {_vptr.attack = 0x56280d30a3c0 , attacker = 0x56280d57b300 , defender = 0x56280d57ae08 , responsible = 0x56280d57b300 , attack_occurred = true, cancel_attack = false, did_hit = true, needs_message = true, attacker_visible = true, defender_visible = true, perceived_attack = true, obvious_effect = false, to_hit = 13, damage_done = 13, special_damage = 0, aux_damage = 0, special_damage_flavour = BEAM_NONE, stab_attempt = false, stab_bonus = 0, ev_margin = 13, attk_type = AT_PUNCH, attk_flavour = AF_ALEMBIC, attk_damage = 19, weapon = 0x0, damage_brand = SPWPN_NORMAL, wpn_skill = SK_UNARMED_COMBAT, art_props = {mData = {0 }}, unrand_entry = 0x0, attacker_to_hit_penalty = 0, attack_verb = "bug", verb_degree = "", no_damage_message = "", special_damage_message = "", aux_attack = "", aux_verb = "", defender_shield = 0x0, simu = false, aux_source = "", kill_type = KILLED_BY_MONSTER}, attack_number = 0, effective_attack_number = 0, cleave_targets = empty std::__cxx11::list, cleaving = false, is_multihit = false, is_riposte = false, is_projected = false, charge_pow = 0, never_cleave = false, dmg_mult = 0, flat_dmg_bonus = 0, wu_jian_attack = WU_JIAN_ATTACK_NONE, wu_jian_number_of_targets = 1, attack_position = {x = 47, y = 28}, mutable_wpn = 0x0, damage_type = DVORP_CRUSHING, is_shadow_stab = false} nrounds = pos = {x = 46, y = 28} effective_attack_number = 0 attack_number = 0 #17 0x000056280cc1f75a in handle_monster_move (mons=) at targ = 0x56280d57ae08 entry = mmov = {x = -1, y = 0} disabled = old_energy = non_move_energy = old_pos = new_pos = {x = 46, y = 28} #18 0x000056280cc203c5 in handle_monsters (with_noise=) at mon = 0x56280d57b300 oldspeed = 80 tries = 31 #19 0x000056280cfdcf7d in world_reacts () at No locals. #20 0x000056280cfde4b4 in _input () at player_disabled = {was_disabled = false} #21 0x000056280cfdf375 in _launch_game () at game_start = ccon = {cstate = false} #22 0x000056280c801b5b in _launch_game_loop () at game_ended = false game_ended = ge = fe = E = #23 main (argc=, argv=0x7ffc82e67a28) at echo = {prev_state = {value = maybe_bool::mbool_t::maybe, static maybe = {value = maybe_bool::mbool_t::maybe, static maybe = , static t = {value = maybe_bool::mbool_t::t, static maybe = , static t = , static f = {value = maybe_bool::mbool_t::f, static maybe = , static t = , static f = }}, static f = }, static t = , static f = }} [Inferior 1 (process 2865870) detached] Compilation info: <<<<<<<<<<< Compiled with GCC 9.4.0 Build platform: x86_64-linux-gnu Platform: x86_64-linux-gnu CFLAGS: -O2 -pipe -DUSE_TILE -DUSE_TILE_WEB -Wall -Wformat-security -Wundef -Wextra -Wno-missing-field-initializers -Wno-implicit-fallthrough -Wno-type-limits -Wno-uninitialized -Wno-array-bounds -Wno-format-zero-length -Wmissing-declarations -Wredundant-decls -Wno-parentheses -Wwrite-strings -Wshadow -pedantic -Wuninitialized -Iutil -I. -isystem /usr/include/lua5.1 -g -DWIZARD -DASSERTS -DREGEX_PCRE -DCLUA_BINDINGS -DDGAMELAUNCH -DSAVE_DIR_PATH="/crawl-master/crawl-git-151a97f16f/saves" -DSHARED_DIR_PATH="/crawl-master/crawl-git/saves" -DDATA_DIR_PATH="/crawl-master/crawl-git-151a97f16f/data/" -DWEB_DIR_PATH="/crawl-master/crawl-git-151a97f16f/data/web/" -D_DEFAULT_SOURCE -D_XOPEN_SOURCE=600 LDFLAGS: -rdynamic -fuse-ld=gold -O2 >>>>>>>>>>> Place info: branch = 33, depth = 1 Level id: WizLab Level build method = random_map_in_depth, level layout type = encompass, absdepth0 = 24 Level vaults: wizlab_demon Markers: <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Marker #0, type 5 at (46, 28): Malign gateway (-270, player) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Messages: <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< The purple very ugly thing is no longer moving slowly. Your eldritch tentacle closely misses the purple very ugly thing. Your eldritch tentacle claws the purple very ugly thing!! The purple very ugly thing dies! Makhleb accepts your kill. Unknown command. You radiate an aura of cold. Your eldritch tentacle is unaffected. Your walking alembic is unaffected. The brown ugly thing seems to slow down. Your spellspark servitor is unaffected. The brown ugly thing is engulfed in blazing flames. Your walking alembic is engulfed in blazing flames. Your walking alembic punches the brown ugly thing. Your walking alembic vents fumes. The portal closes; your eldritch tentacle is severed. The eldritch tentacle slaps your walking alembic! Your walking alembic is engulfed in flames! Your walking alembic resists. Your walking alembic is destroyed! The brown ugly thing is engulfed in blazing flames. Unknown command. The eldritch tentacle writhes! The eldritch tentacle is destroyed! Unknown command. Unknown command. You radiate an aura of cold. Your spellspark servitor is unaffected. The brown ugly thing seems to slow down. The brown ugly thing tentacle-slaps your spellspark servitor! Your spellspark servitor is splashed with acid. Unknown command. You radiate an aura of cold. Your spellspark servitor is unaffected. The brown ugly thing seems to slow down. Your spellspark servitor points at the brown ugly thing and mumbles some strange words. The iron shot hits the brown ugly thing!!! Your spellspark servitor is knocked back by the blast. The brown ugly thing is engulfed in blazing flames. You kill the brown ugly thing! Makhleb accepts your kill. Unknown command. You start resting. Magic restored. Your spellspark servitor fades away. There is an open door, spattered with blood here. Things that are here: an ugly thing corpse; a very ugly thing corpse Items here: ††††. Found a leather armour. C - a scroll of revelation A fire giant comes into view. It is wielding a +1 great sword of flaming. You open the door. Casting: Alistair's Walking Alembic (mildly dangerous; 2% risk of failure) Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells. You miscast Malign Gateway. You are very lightly contaminated with residual magic. Desperate hands claw out at you. A nameless horror comes into view. The fire giant hits you with a +1 great sword of flaming!! The fire giant burns you. Casting: Malign Gateway (dangerous; 16% risk of failure) Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells. You miscast Malign Gateway. Desperate hands claw out at you. A nameless horror comes into view. You radiate an aura of cold. The fire giant seems to slow down. The nameless horror seems to slow down. x2 Unknown command. Unknown command. Casting: Malign Gateway (dangerous; 16% risk of failure) Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells. The dungeon shakes, a horrible noise fills the air, and a portal to some otherworldly place is opened! The fire giant is engulfed in blazing flames. The fire giant hits you with a +1 great sword of flaming!! The fire giant burns you. Unknown command. You radiate an aura of cold. The fire giant seems to slow down. The nameless horror seems to slow down. x2 Your eldritch tentacle is unaffected. The nameless horror is engulfed in blazing flames. The fire giant is engulfed in blazing flames. The fire giant hits you with a +1 great sword of flaming. Unknown command. Unknown command. The fire giant is engulfed in blazing flames. The nameless horror is engulfed in blazing flames. Your eldritch tentacle barely misses the fire giant. Your eldritch tentacle claws the fire giant!! The fire giant is engulfed in flames. The fire giant resists. Unknown command. Unknown command. Your eldritch tentacle completely misses the fire giant. Your eldritch tentacle claws the fire giant! Your eldritch tentacle freezes the fire giant!! The nameless horror is engulfed in blazing flames. The fire giant is engulfed in blazing flames. Unknown command. Your eldritch tentacle slaps the nameless horror! The nameless horror is destroyed! The fire giant is engulfed in blazing flames. The fire giant hits your eldritch tentacle segment with a +1 great sword of flaming!! Unknown command. The fire giant is no longer moving slowly. Your eldritch tentacle slaps the fire giant! The fire giant dies! Makhleb accepts your kill. The nameless horror is engulfed in blazing flames. Your eldritch tentacle slaps the nameless horror!! Your eldritch tentacle shocks the nameless horror! The nameless horror is destroyed! Unknown command. Unknown command. Found a scroll of identify. You start resting. You hear a distant and violent thrashing sound. You start resting. Your magical contamination has completely faded away. You start resting. Magic restored. You start resting. HP restored. n - 4 scrolls of identify (gained 1) You don't currently have any unidentified items. Unknown command. You open the door. There is an open door here. Things that are here: a +1 great sword of flaming; a ring of poison resistance Okay, then. g - 23 potions of curing (gained 1) p - 11 scrolls of enchant weapon (gained 1) H - a ring of ice Okay, then. You drop a ring of ice. Unknown command. You open the door. There is an open door here. You open the door. There is an open door here. There is an open door here. There is an open door here. A shadow demon comes into view. You radiate an aura of cold. The shadow demon is unaffected. There is an open door here. Casting: Malign Gateway (dangerous; 16% risk of failure) Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells. You forge a servant imbued with your destructive magic! The shadow demon gives a loud, deep croak! You swap places. The shadow demon barely misses your spellspark servitor. Your spellspark servitor points at the shadow demon and mumbles some strange words. The iron shot hits the shadow demon!!! The shadow demon hits your spellspark servitor. Unknown command. Your spellspark servitor casts a spell at the shadow demon. The iron shot hits the shadow demon!!! The shadow demon dies! Makhleb accepts your kill. Unknown command. Magic restored. There is an open door here. Your spellspark servitor fades away. Found a gateway to Hell. Found a pair of boots. You see here a +0 pair of boots. As you open the door, it creaks loudly! There is an open door here. There is an open door, spattered with blood here. Things that are here: a +0 vampiric trident; a +0 leather armour You open the door. There is an open door here. You open the door. There is an open door here. There is an open door here. Found a stone staircase leading down. Found a stone staircase leading down. n - 5 scrolls of identify (gained 1) Found a ring mail. You open the door. There is an open door here. A fire dragon comes into view. You radiate an aura of cold. The fire dragon seems to slow down. Casting: Spellspark Servitor (dangerous; 11% risk of failure) Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells. You forge a servant imbued with your destructive magic! You swap places. Your spellspark servitor casts a spell at the fire dragon. The iron shot hits the fire dragon!!! Your spellspark servitor is knocked back by the blast. Unknown command. The fire dragon is no longer moving slowly. The fire dragon is engulfed in blazing flames. The fire dragon breathes flames at you. The blast of flame hits you. You resist. The fire dragon is engulfed in blazing flames. Your spellspark servitor casts a spell at the fire dragon. The iron shot hits the fire dragon!! The fire dragon is engulfed in blazing flames. Your spellspark servitor points at the fire dragon and mumbles some strange words. The iron shot hits the fire dragon!! The fire dragon dies! Makhleb accepts your kill. Unknown command. Your spellspark servitor fades away. You open the door. There is an open door here. An ettin comes into view. It is wielding two +0 great maces. You radiate an aura of cold. The ettin seems to slow down. Casting: Spellspark Servitor (dangerous; 11% risk of failure) Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells. You forge a servant imbued with your destructive magic! The ettin shouts in stereo! The ettin is no longer moving slowly. You swap places. You radiate an aura of cold. Your spellspark servitor is unaffected. The ettin resists. Your spellspark servitor points at the ettin and mumbles some strange words. The iron shot hits the ettin!! The ettin is engulfed in blazing flames. The ettin hits your spellspark servitor with a +0 great mace!!! The ettin hits your spellspark servitor with a +0 great mace!! Your spellspark servitor is destroyed! Unknown command. Casting: Spellspark Servitor (dangerous; 11% risk of failure) Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells. Aiming: Bombard (dangerous; 5% risk of failure) Press: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line Aim: an ettin, wielding two +0 great maces (heavily wounded, 94% to hit) You feel a surge of power! The iron shot hits the ettin!! You kill the ettin! Makhleb accepts your kill. Unknown command. Things that are here: a +0 great mace; a +0 great mace As you open the door, it creaks loudly! There is an open door here. H - a ring of resist corrosion You drop a ring of resist corrosion. You open the door. There is an open door here. v - 10 scrolls of immolation (gained 1) There is an open door here. There is an open door here. You open the door. An occultist comes into view. It is wielding a +0 dagger. The occultist shouts! The occultist gestures at you while chanting. The poison arrow hits you. You are poisoned. You partially resist. Found a crude flail and 72 gold pieces. Unknown command. Casting: Bombard (dangerous; 5% risk of failure) Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells. The dungeon shakes, a horrible noise fills the air, and a portal to some otherworldly place is opened! You radiate an aura of cold. Your eldritch tentacle is unaffected. The occultist seems to slow down. You feel very sick. Unknown command. Unknown command. Found 3 gold pieces. You feel very sick. Your eldritch tentacle slaps the occultist! Your eldritch tentacle drains the occultist. Your eldritch tentacle claws the occultist!! The occultist is engulfed in blazing flames. You kill the occultist! Makhleb accepts your kill. You feel better. There is an open door here. Unknown command. You feel sick. Unknown command. You feel sick. You feel sick. You feel sick. You feel sick. You feel sick. You feel sick. You open the door. You feel sick. Found a chain mail. Found a short sword. You feel sick. You are no longer poisoned. There is an open door here. You start resting. Magic restored. You start resting. You hear a distant and violent thrashing sound. You start resting. HP restored. You see here a +0 chain mail. There is an open door here. You now have 3097 gold pieces (gained 19). You now have 3121 gold pieces (gained 24). You see here the +6 flail of Jiunnem {drain, rPois}. There is a fountain of clear blue water here. You take a small sip from the fountain. Refreshing. You now have 3124 gold pieces (gained 3). You now have 3153 gold pieces (gained 29). There is an open door here. You see here a +0 chain mail. There is an open door, spattered with blood here. Things that are here: an ugly thing skeleton; a very ugly thing skeleton There is an open door here. You open the large door. A shadow demon comes into view. Found a one-way gate leading to the halls of Pandemonium. Casting: Malign Gateway (dangerous; 16% risk of failure) Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells. The dungeon shakes, a horrible noise fills the air, and a portal to some otherworldly place is opened! The shadow demon croaks. The shadow demon gestures. Unknown command. Your eldritch tentacle slaps the tengu warrior!! Your eldritch tentacle sears the tengu warrior! Your eldritch tentacle closely misses the tengu warrior. The shadow demon gestures. Unknown command. Casting: Malign Gateway (dangerous; 16% risk of failure) Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells. You miscast Spellspark Servitor. You are very lightly contaminated with residual magic. Energy rips through your body! Your eldritch tentacle slaps the shadow demon! Your eldritch tentacle claws the shadow demon!! The shadow demon is engulfed in flames!! The shadow demon dies! Makhleb accepts your kill. The tengu warrior dissolves into shadows! The frost giant dissolves into shadows! The ettin dissolves into shadows! The red very ugly thing dissolves into shadows! The red ugly thing dissolves into shadows! The red very ugly thing dissolves into shadows! The red ugly thing dissolves into shadows! Unknown command. Unknown command. You close the large door. Your magical contamination has completely faded away. There is an open door here. You hear a distant and violent thrashing sound. Magic restored. There is a stone staircase leading down here. You climb downwards. You hear the crackle of arcane power. There is an entrance to a wizard's laboratory on this level! Hurry and find it before the portal closes forever! There is a stone staircase leading up here. Unknown command. As you read the scroll of revelation, it crumbles to dust. You feel aware of your surroundings. You sensed 6 shops/portals. Found a wand of digging (2). Unknown command. Unknown command. Unknown command. Unknown command. Unknown command. A rakshasa comes into view. It is wielding a +0 trident. The rakshasa blinks! A lich comes into view. Found 25 gold pieces. You radiate an aura of cold. The lich is unaffected. Unknown command. Found Ethrin's Assorted Antiques. The lich shouts! You hear a shout! The rakshasa weaves an illusion. The lich shimmers and seems to become two! You see here a wand of digging (2). Casting: Spellspark Servitor (dangerous; 10% risk of failure) Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells. The dungeon shakes, a horrible noise fills the air, and a portal to some otherworldly place is opened! You hear a shout! x2 The lich casts a spell at you. You resist with significant effort. A stone giant comes into view. The lich mumbles some strange words. The lich flickers and vanishes for a moment. Unknown command. Casting: Malign Gateway (dangerous; 16% risk of failure) Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells. You forge a servant imbued with your destructive magic! Your eldritch tentacle slaps the lich but does no damage. Your eldritch tentacle claws the lich! Your eldritch tentacle sears the lich! Unknown command. Unknown command. Casting: Spellspark Servitor (dangerous; 10% risk of failure) Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells. A lumbering aparatus takes shape within a cloud of fumes. Your eldritch tentacle slaps the lich!! The lich's magic leaks into the air. Your eldritch tentacle claws the lich!! Your eldritch tentacle sears the lich!! Your spellspark servitor casts a spell at the lich. The iron shot hits the lich!! The lich is destroyed! The lich shimmers and vanishes! The rakshasa weaves an illusion. The lich shimmers and seems to become two! Unknown command. Your eldritch tentacle slaps the lich! The lich is destroyed! Makhleb accepts your kill. Unknown command. Unknown command. Aiming: Unleash Destruction (0% risk of failure) Press: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line You can't see that place. Okay, then. Unknown command. Aiming: Unleash Destruction (0% risk of failure) Press: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line The gout of magma hits the lich!! You destroy the lich! The lich shimmers and vanishes! Your spellspark servitor gestures at the rakshasa while chanting. The iron shot hits the rakshasa!!! Unknown command. Unknown command. The rakshasa completely misses you. Unknown command. Unknown command. Your spellspark servitor gestures at the rakshasa while chanting. The iron shot hits the rakshasa!!! The rakshasa dies! Makhleb accepts your kill. Your spellspark servitor is knocked back by the blast. Your walking alembic punches the stone giant. Your walking alembic vents fumes. The stone giant is engulfed in poison gas. The stone giant is poisoned. The stone giant hits your spellspark servitor. Unknown command. K - a wand of digging (18) (gained 2 charges) Your eldritch tentacle slaps the stone giant! Your eldritch tentacle shocks the stone giant!! Your eldritch tentacle claws the stone giant!! The stone giant suddenly stops moving! The stone giant is engulfed in poison gas. The stone giant looks even sicker. Your walking alembic punches the stone giant! Your walking alembic vents fumes. Unknown command. Unknown command. Boris, Master of Life and Death comes into view. He is wearing the +4 robe of Neaw {rElec rF- Will+++ Dex-3}. Your eldritch tentacle slaps the stone giant!! The stone giant dies! Makhleb accepts your kill. The orb of destruction hits you!!!! Ouch! That really hurt! * * * LOW HITPOINT WARNING * * * You consecrate your suffering and invoke the rites of blood! The blood arrow hits Boris!! Boris is lightly damaged. The blood arrow hits Boris!! Boris is moderately damaged. The blood arrow misses Boris. Unknown command. Unknown command. Unknown command. Unknown command. Your walking alembic is engulfed in blazing flames. Boris gestures at you while chanting. The bolt of cold misses you. Unknown command. Unknown command. You radiate an aura of cold. Your walking alembic is unaffected. Your spellspark servitor is unaffected. Boris is unaffected. Your eldritch tentacle is unaffected. Your walking alembic is engulfed in blazing flames. You radiate an aura of cold. Your spellspark servitor is unaffected. Your walking alembic is unaffected. Boris is unaffected. Your eldritch tentacle is unaffected. Your walking alembic misses Boris. Unknown command. Unknown command. Unknown command. Your spellspark servitor casts a spell at Boris. The iron shot hits Boris!! Unknown command. Your spellspark servitor gestures at Boris while chanting. The iron shot hits Boris!!! Boris hits your spellspark servitor. Boris touches your spellspark servitor but does no damage. Your walking alembic closely misses Boris. Your walking alembic fades away. Boris casts a spell at you. The iron shot hits your spellspark servitor!!! Your spellspark servitor is destroyed! Unknown command. Casting: Alistair's Walking Alembic (mildly dangerous; 1% risk of failure) Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells. Aiming: Bombard (dangerous; 4% risk of failure) Press: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line Aim: Boris, wearing the +4 robe of Neaw {rElec rF- Will+++ Dex-3} (almost destroyed, 74% to hit) You feel a surge of power! The iron shot hits Boris!!! You destroy Boris! Makhleb accepts your kill. Boris says, "We will meet again!" You feel better. There is a stone staircase leading up here. You climb upwards. There is a stone staircase leading down here. Magic restored. HP restored. You are ready to perform a blood rite again. Done exploring. You climb downwards. You hear the crackle of arcane power. There is an entrance to a wizard's laboratory on this level! Hurry and find it before the portal closes forever! You hear the crackle of a very distant magical portal. There is a stone staircase leading up here. Unknown command. You see here the +4 robe of Neaw {rElec rF- Will+++ Dex-3}. Things that are here: 2 large rocks; a stone giant skeleton A balrug comes into view. It is wielding a +2 demon whip of electrocution. The balrug shouts! You hear a shout! x2 A cacodemon comes into view. Found a one-way gate leading to the halls of Pandemonium. Press: ? - help, v - describe, . - travel A one-way gate leading to the halls of Pandemonium. Unknown command. Unknown command. Casting: Bombard (dangerous; 4% risk of failure) Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells. The dungeon shakes, a horrible noise fills the air, and a portal to some otherworldly place is opened! The cacodemon shouts! You hear a shout! The balrug gestures at you. You block the pyre arrow... and reflect it back! The pyre arrow hits the balrug. Unknown command. Casting: Malign Gateway (dangerous; 16% risk of failure) Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells. You forge a servant imbued with your destructive magic! Your eldritch tentacle slaps the balrug but does no damage. Your eldritch tentacle misses the balrug. Unknown command. Unknown command. Casting: Spellspark Servitor (dangerous; 10% risk of failure) Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells. Aiming: Bombard (dangerous; 4% risk of failure) Press: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line Aim: a balrug, wielding a +2 demon whip of electrocution (covered in liquid flames, ally target, 77% to hit) You feel a surge of power! The iron shot hits the balrug!!! The balrug is heavily wounded. The balrug stops burning. A smoke demon comes into view. Your eldritch tentacle slaps the balrug! Your eldritch tentacle shocks the balrug! Your eldritch tentacle claws the balrug. The balrug's magic leaks into the air. Your spellspark servitor gestures at the balrug while chanting. The iron shot hits the balrug!! The balrug dies! Makhleb accepts your kill. Unknown command. Your eldritch tentacle slaps the cacodemon! The cacodemon suddenly seems more resistant. Your eldritch tentacle claws the cacodemon but does no damage. The cacodemon gestures at you. The bolt of devastation misses you. Unknown command. Unknown command. You radiate an aura of cold. Your eldritch tentacle is unaffected. Your spellspark servitor is unaffected. The cacodemon is unaffected. Your eldritch tentacle slaps the cacodemon but does no damage. Your eldritch tentacle claws the cacodemon. The cacodemon is engulfed in flames! The cacodemon resists. Your spellspark servitor points at the cacodemon and mumbles some strange words. The iron shot hits the cacodemon!! Unknown command. Your eldritch tentacle slaps the cacodemon but does no damage. Your eldritch tentacle claws the cacodemon!! The cacodemon's magic leaks into the air. The cacodemon falters for a moment. Your eldritch tentacle slaps the cacodemon!! The cacodemon dies! Makhleb accepts your kill. Your spellspark servitor gestures at the smoke demon while chanting. The iron shot hits the smoke demon!! Your spellspark servitor is knocked back by the blast. Your eldritch tentacle slaps the smoke demon!! The smoke demon dies! Makhleb accepts your kill. Unknown command. Found Tumewoo's Distillery. Your spellspark servitor fades away. Found Epahopug's Book Shop. Found 2 potions of might. Found a wand of flame (12). You hear the crackle of a magical portal very nearby. Unknown command. Unknown command. Unknown command. There is an entrance to Epahopug's Book Shop here. Found a stone staircase leading down. There is a stone staircase leading down here. Found a magical portal. There is a magical portal here. You drop 5 scrolls of identify. You drop 11 scrolls of enchant weapon. You drop 2 scrolls of brand weapon. There is a magical portal here. Unknown command. Okay, then. Unknown command. Things that are here: 2 scrolls of brand weapon; 11 scrolls of enchant weapon; 5 scrolls of identify You drop the +10 quick blade of Spite {freeze, rElec rN+ Stlth+}. There is a magical portal here. You feel clever. You feel agile. k - the staff "Xuask" (weapon) {Int+3 Dex+3 Earth} Unknown command. Unknown command. Unknown command. The world spins around you as you enter the gateway. You enter a wizard's laboratory! Welcome to The Hall of the Hellbinder! There is an empty arch of ancient stone here. Unknown command. Unknown command. Found a portal leading out of this place. Casting: Bombard (dangerous; 4% risk of failure) Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells. Okay, then. Casting: Bombard (dangerous; 4% risk of failure) Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells. Okay, then. Casting: Bombard (dangerous; 4% risk of failure) Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells. You can't see any susceptible monsters within range! (Use Z to cast anyway.) Casting: Bombard (dangerous; 4% risk of failure) Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells. Okay, then. Casting: Bombard (dangerous; 4% risk of failure) Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells. You can't see any susceptible monsters within range! (Use Z to cast anyway.) Casting: Bombard (dangerous; 4% risk of failure) Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells. Okay, then. Casting: Bombard (dangerous; 4% risk of failure) Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells. Okay, then. Casting: Bombard (dangerous; 4% risk of failure) Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells. Okay, then. There is a portal leading out of this place here. Casting: Bombard (dangerous; 4% risk of failure) Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells. Okay, then. Casting: Bombard (dangerous; 4% risk of failure) Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells. Okay, then. Casting: Bombard (dangerous; 4% risk of failure) Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells. Okay, then. Unknown command. You open the huge gate. Unknown command. Casting: Bombard (dangerous; 4% risk of failure) Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells. Okay, then. A balrug, a hellwing and a cacodemon come into view. There is a huge open gate here. Unknown command. Unknown command. Casting: Bombard (dangerous; 4% risk of failure) Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells. The dungeon shakes, a horrible noise fills the air, and a portal to some otherworldly place is opened! The balrug shouts! The hellwing gives a chilling moan. The balrug gestures at you. Something smites you! Unknown command. Unknown command. Casting: Malign Gateway (dangerous; 12% risk of failure) Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells. You forge a servant imbued with your destructive magic! A hellwing comes into view. Unknown command. Unknown command. Casting: Spellspark Servitor (dangerous; 8% risk of failure) Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells. A lumbering aparatus takes shape within a cloud of fumes. Your eldritch tentacle slaps the hellwing! Your eldritch tentacle shocks the hellwing!! Your eldritch tentacle claws the hellwing. Your eldritch tentacle freezes the hellwing!! The hellwing dies! Makhleb accepts your kill. Unknown command. You radiate an aura of cold. Your eldritch tentacle is unaffected. The balrug resists. Your spellspark servitor is unaffected. Your walking alembic is unaffected. The hellwing seems to slow down. The cacodemon seems to slow down. Your eldritch tentacle misses the balrug. Your eldritch tentacle claws the balrug! Your eldritch tentacle shocks the balrug!! Unknown command. The balrug gestures at you. The fireball explodes! The fireball engulfs you! You resist. The fireball engulfs your spellspark servitor. Your spellspark servitor resists. Your eldritch tentacle slaps the balrug! The balrug seems to grow stronger. Your eldritch tentacle closely misses the balrug. Your walking alembic punches the cacodemon. Your walking alembic vents fumes. Your spellspark servitor casts a spell at the balrug. The iron shot hits the balrug!!! The balrug dies! Makhleb accepts your kill. The hellwing is no longer moving slowly. Your eldritch tentacle slaps the hellwing. Your eldritch tentacle shocks the hellwing!! Your eldritch tentacle claws the hellwing! The hellwing is engulfed in flames! The hellwing dies! Makhleb accepts your kill. Your walking alembic punches the cacodemon! Your walking alembic vents fumes. Unknown command. The cacodemon is no longer moving slowly. Your spellspark servitor gestures at the cacodemon while chanting. The iron shot hits the cacodemon!!! Your eldritch tentacle slaps the cacodemon!! Your eldritch tentacle freezes the cacodemon!! The cacodemon dies! Makhleb accepts your kill. Unknown command. You swap places. You close the huge gate. You swap places. You start resting. Your walking alembic fades away. Your spellspark servitor fades away. Magic restored. You start resting. HP restored. You start waiting. Done waiting. You open the huge gate. There is a huge open gate here. There is a huge open gate here. Found a wand of roots (7) and a scroll of teleportation. You see here a +0 demon whip. n - a +0 demon whip You drop a +0 demon whip. Press: ? - help, v - describe, . - travel, g - get item Item here: a +0 demon whip. The floor, spattered with blood. Unknown command. Unknown command. F - a wand of roots (58) (gained 7 charges) w - 14 scrolls of teleportation (gained 1) You open the huge gate. A hellion comes into view. Casting: Alistair's Walking Alembic (mildly dangerous; 1% risk of failure) Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells. The dungeon shakes, a horrible noise fills the air, and a portal to some otherworldly place is opened! You radiate an aura of cold. Your eldritch tentacle is unaffected. The hellion resists. The hellion gives a hideous shriek! You hear a shout! An orange demon comes into view. Unknown command. Casting: Malign Gateway (dangerous; 12% risk of failure) Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells. A lumbering aparatus takes shape within a cloud of fumes. Unknown command. Okay, then. Casting: Alistair's Walking Alembic (mildly dangerous; 1% risk of failure) Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells. You forge a servant imbued with your destructive magic! Unknown command. Your walking alembic closely misses the hellion. Unknown command. Your spellspark servitor points at the hellion and mumbles some strange words. The iron shot hits the hellion!! Your walking alembic punches the hellion. Your walking alembic vents fumes. Unknown command. Unknown command. Your eldritch tentacle slaps the hellion. The hellion falls asleep! Your eldritch tentacle claws the hellion!!!! The hellion dies! Makhleb accepts your kill. Unknown command. A smoke demon comes into view. Your spellspark servitor gestures at the smoke demon while chanting. The iron shot hits the smoke demon!!! Your spellspark servitor is knocked back by the blast. Unknown command. You radiate an aura of cold. Your spellspark servitor is unaffected. Your eldritch tentacle is unaffected. Your walking alembic is unaffected. The smoke demon seems to slow down. Your eldritch tentacle slaps the smoke demon. The smoke demon dies! Makhleb accepts your kill. Unknown command. There is a huge open gate here. Your walking alembic fades away. The portal closes; your eldritch tentacle is severed. The eldritch tentacle writhes! There is a huge open gate here. The eldritch tentacle writhes! The eldritch tentacle slaps your spellspark servitor but does no damage. The eldritch tentacle claws your spellspark servitor but does no damage. You radiate an aura of cold. Your spellspark servitor is unaffected. The eldritch tentacle is unaffected. The eldritch tentacle writhes! The eldritch tentacle slaps your spellspark servitor but does no damage. The eldritch tentacle claws your spellspark servitor!! Your spellspark servitor is engulfed in flames. Your spellspark servitor resists. Your spellspark servitor gestures at the eldritch tentacle while chanting. The iron shot hits the eldritch tentacle!! The eldritch tentacle writhes! The eldritch tentacle barely misses your spellspark servitor. The eldritch tentacle claws your spellspark servitor! Your spellspark servitor appears confused. Unknown command. The eldritch tentacle writhes! The eldritch tentacle is destroyed! Your spellspark servitor fades away. Unknown command. There is a huge open gate here. There is a huge open gate here. There is a huge open gate here. A blizzard demon comes into view. There is a huge open gate here. Unknown command. Unknown command. Casting: Spellspark Servitor (dangerous; 8% risk of failure) Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells. The dungeon shakes, a horrible noise fills the air, and a portal to some otherworldly place is opened! The orange demon screeches! You radiate an aura of cold. The blizzard demon is unaffected. The orange demon seems to slow down. You hear a shout! You hear a chilling moan. You hear a shout! x4 You hear a screech! The blizzard demon crackles with melancholic malice. The freezing blast engulfs you. You resist. Unknown command. Casting: Malign Gateway (dangerous; 12% risk of failure) Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells. Aiming: Bombard (dangerous; 4% risk of failure) Press: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line Aim: a blizzard demon (freezing vapour, 76% to hit) You feel a surge of power! The iron shot hits the blizzard demon!!! The blizzard demon is heavily wounded. You are engulfed in freezing vapours. You resist. The blizzard demon is engulfed in freezing vapours. The blizzard demon closely misses you. You block the blizzard demon's attack. Casting: Bombard (dangerous; 4% risk of failure) Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells. You forge a servant imbued with your destructive magic! You radiate an aura of cold. The blizzard demon is unaffected. Your spellspark servitor is unaffected. Your eldritch tentacle is unaffected. The orange demon seems to slow down. You are engulfed in freezing vapours. You resist. Your eldritch tentacle slaps the blizzard demon but does no damage. Your eldritch tentacle claws the blizzard demon. The blizzard demon looks weaker. The blizzard demon completely misses you. The blizzard demon closely misses you. Unknown command. Casting: Spellspark Servitor (dangerous; 8% risk of failure) Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells. A lumbering aparatus takes shape within a cloud of fumes. You are engulfed in freezing vapours. You resist. Your eldritch tentacle barely misses the blizzard demon. Your eldritch tentacle claws the blizzard demon but does no damage. Your spellspark servitor casts a spell at the blizzard demon. The iron shot hits the blizzard demon!!! The blizzard demon dies! Makhleb accepts your kill. Your spellspark servitor is knocked back by the blast. Unknown command. Unknown command. A sun demon comes into view. You radiate an aura of cold. Your walking alembic is unaffected. Your eldritch tentacle is unaffected. Your spellspark servitor is unaffected. The orange demon seems to slow down. The sun demon seems to slow down. Your eldritch tentacle slaps the orange demon!! The orange demon is engulfed in flames!! Your eldritch tentacle claws the orange demon!!! The orange demon dies! Makhleb accepts your kill. Your walking alembic is engulfed in freezing vapours. A cacodemon comes into view. Unknown command. Your spellspark servitor is engulfed in freezing vapours. Unknown command. Your eldritch tentacle slaps the sun demon! The sun demon seems to slow down. Your eldritch tentacle claws the sun demon!! Your eldritch tentacle freezes the sun demon!!! The sun demon is chilled terribly! The sun demon dies! Makhleb accepts your kill. Your Spellcasting skill increases to level 13! Unknown command. You radiate an aura of cold. Your walking alembic is unaffected. Your spellspark servitor is unaffected. The cacodemon seems to slow down. Your eldritch tentacle is unaffected. Your walking alembic punches the cacodemon! Your walking alembic vents fumes. Unknown command. Your eldritch tentacle slaps the cacodemon. Your eldritch tentacle claws the cacodemon but does no damage. The cacodemon completely misses your eldritch tentacle. The cacodemon hits your eldritch tentacle. A blizzard demon comes into view. Your walking alembic punches the cacodemon! Your walking alembic vents fumes. Your eldritch tentacle slaps the cacodemon but does no damage. Your eldritch tentacle claws the cacodemon!! The cacodemon is engulfed in flames! The cacodemon gestures at you. You resist with some effort. The blizzard demon roars with sorrowful spite. Your eldritch tentacle slaps the cacodemon. Your eldritch tentacle freezes the cacodemon!!! Your eldritch tentacle claws the cacodemon but does no damage. Your walking alembic is engulfed in freezing vapours. Your walking alembic punches the cacodemon. Your walking alembic vents fumes. The cacodemon dies! Makhleb accepts your kill. Unknown command. Your walking alembic is engulfed in freezing vapours. Unknown command. Your eldritch tentacle slaps the blizzard demon!! Your eldritch tentacle barely misses the blizzard demon. Your spellspark servitor is engulfed in freezing vapours. Your spellspark servitor gestures at the blizzard demon while chanting. The iron shot misses the blizzard demon. Your spellspark servitor is knocked back by the blast. Your walking alembic is engulfed in freezing vapours. You radiate an aura of cold. Your spellspark servitor is unaffected. Your walking alembic is unaffected. Your eldritch tentacle is unaffected. The blizzard demon is unaffected. Your eldritch tentacle slaps the blizzard demon but does no damage. Your eldritch tentacle claws the blizzard demon!! Your eldritch tentacle sears the blizzard demon!! The blizzard demon dies! Makhleb accepts your kill. A cacodemon comes into view. The cacodemon gestures at you. The bolt of devastation hits you!!! Your willpower is stripped away! Unknown command. Your walking alembic punches the cacodemon! Your walking alembic vents fumes. The cacodemon hits your walking alembic! The cacodemon barely misses your walking alembic. Your eldritch tentacle slaps the cacodemon! The cacodemon flies into a frenzy! Your eldritch tentacle claws the cacodemon!! The cacodemon is engulfed in flames!! Unknown command. The cacodemon hits your eldritch tentacle!! x2 Your eldritch tentacle slaps the cacodemon!! The cacodemon is moving more slowly. Your eldritch tentacle claws the cacodemon. The cacodemon blinks! An orange demon comes into view. Unknown command. The cacodemon misses you. The cacodemon hits you but does no damage. Your eldritch tentacle barely misses the orange demon. Your eldritch tentacle claws the orange demon! Your eldritch tentacle sears the orange demon! Your spellspark servitor points at the cacodemon and mumbles some strange words. The iron shot hits the cacodemon!!! The cacodemon dies! Makhleb accepts your kill. Your spellspark servitor is knocked back by the blast. The orange demon is engulfed in poison gas. The orange demon is poisoned. The orange demon completely misses your eldritch tentacle. The orange demon hits your eldritch tentacle but does no damage. Your eldritch tentacle completely misses the orange demon. Your eldritch tentacle claws the orange demon! Your walking alembic punches the orange demon! Your walking alembic vents fumes. The orange demon dies! Makhleb accepts your kill. Unknown command. You feel your willpower return. Your eldritch tentacle suddenly becomes enraged! A sin beast comes into view. Your spellspark servitor gestures at the eldritch tentacle while chanting. The iron shot hits the eldritch tentacle!! Your spellspark servitor is knocked back by the blast. Your walking alembic punches the eldritch tentacle segment! Your walking alembic vents fumes. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Version history: Game started: 0.33-a0-502-g2f7cafc865 0.33-a0-505-g151a97f16f Game state: mouse_enabled: 0, waiting_for_command: 0, terminal_resized: 0 io_inited: 1, need_save: 1, saving_game: 0, updating_scores: 0: seen_hups: 1, map_stat_gen: 0, type: 1, arena_suspended: 0 prev_cmd = CMD_MOVE_UP_RIGHT repeat_cmd = CMD_NO_CMD Player: {{{{{{{{{{{ Name: [1toinfinity] Species: Demonspawn Job: Earth Elementalist HP: 121/157; mods: 0/0 MP: 31/39; mod: 0 Stats: 11 (11) 21 (21) 21 (21) Position: (50, 26), god: Makhleb (8), turn_is_over: 1, banished: 0 Standing on/in/over feature: floor Skills (mode: manual) Name | can_currently_train | train | training | level | points | progress Fighting | X | 0 | 0 | 9 | 2250 | 0/525 Short Blades | X | 0 | 0 | 7 | 1664 | 0/476 Long Blades | X | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/59 Axes | X | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/59 Maces & Flails | X | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/59 Polearms | X | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/59 Staves | X | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/59 Ranged Weapons | X | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/59 Throwing | X | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/59 Armour | X | 0 | 0 | 7 | 1664 | 0/476 Dodging | X | 0 | 0 | 9 | 2675 | 0/625 Stealth | X | 0 | 0 | 7 | 1400 | 0/400 Shields | X | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/59 Unarmed Combat | X | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/59 Spellcasting | X | 1 | 100 | 13 | 5874 | 166/981 Conjurations | X | 0 | 0 | 14 | 5625 | 0/900 Hexes | X | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/50 Summonings | X | 0 | 0 | 12 | 4050 | 0/750 Necromancy | X | 0 | 0 | 9 | 1892 | 0/441 Translocations | X | 0 | 0 | 14 | 6689 | 0/1070 Forgecraft | X | 0 | 0 | 14 | 6689 | 0/1070 Fire Magic | X | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/59 Ice Magic | X | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/59 Air Magic | X | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/59 Earth Magic | X | 0 | 0 | 9 | 2675 | 0/625 Alchemy | X | 0 | 0 | 5 | 750 | 0/300 Invocations | X | 0 | 0 | 26 | 13262 | 18/1219 Evocations | X | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/50 Shapeshifting | X | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/70 Spell bugs: Durations: Attributes: #12: 5209 #13: 2056 #23: 35247 #24: 1817069177 #49: 5707 Mutations: thin metallic scales: 2 (innate) ignite blood: 3 (innate) magic shield: 1 (innate) magic regeneration: 1 (innate) magic link: 1 (innate) weakness stinger: 3 (innate) Gehenna destruction: 1 (innate) Mark of the Celebrant: 1 (innate) Inventory bugs: Equipment: eq slot #0, inv slot #10: staff "Xuask" {Int+3 Dex+3 Earth} eq slot #2, inv slot #41: +2 helmet of the Louse {rPois rF+++ rCorr Stlth-} eq slot #3, inv slot #16: +1 pair of gloves eq slot #4, inv slot #14: +3 pair of boots "Udwumn" {rElec rPois Int-2 Stlth+} eq slot #5, inv slot #38: +2 buckler eq slot #6, inv slot #42: +4 skin of Zhor {*Englaciate rC+++ SInv} eq slot #7, inv slot #39: +5 ring of evasion eq slot #8, inv slot #18: ring of Descent {rElec rF++ Wiz} eq slot #9, inv slot #5: amulet of reflection }}}}}}}}}}} Webtiles message buffer: Webtiles JSON stack: Screenshot: #..#...#..##.........## #....#....##.........# #.##...##.###.......## ##..##.##..####.....## #⌠.........⌠# ###''## ##++#####++######'## ###.##''# ...#+#......## .....w....@.## ...#.........# #..∩9.9...# #...........# ............## .##..........# ##...2....## #.......## ......### clua stack: dlua stack: Lua persistent data: <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ice_cave_hard: false >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lua marker contents: <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>